Nordic haze

I put my pen to the paper, but the thoughts are scrambled by the intensity of the great emotions that I’ve experienced, by the sincere vulnerability of the ones I have encountered and learnt to love and remain lovingly detached from. The warmth of these encounters have encouraged me to remain open and vulnerable, it has taught me to appreciate the fruit that I have reaped, sour or sweet, and be more observant of the seeds that I sow.

I now realize that the inception of every relationship, romantic or otherwise, is a beautiful free fall through a pool of rose petals or into a pit of rosebush thorns, regardless of which one we are met with, we always leave with the awakening scent of roses. Friendships don’t necessarily have to last, but every encounter must be meaningful for its duration, they must have an everlasting impression, they must assure and/or reassure one of their worthiness to be loved, be heard and be appreciated. I am grateful that most of the relationships that I have decided to surrender into are ones that have met most, if not all, of these desired requirements.

He sits across me and the room has cleared, the words being exchanged are those of connection and truth, the feelings are of familiarity and clarity, there’s complete sincerity and freedom in the friendship that this traveler offers, I see my family and friends in this man and I appreciate every second of it. As travelers do, he extends the hand of invitation and I have every intention of seeing the invitation through.

Stamp; I approach through the doors, greeted by a smile, a warm hug and an insatiable desire to head out into the wilderness, away from the paved streets and fine diners and into the luscious rolling hill. Unprecedented beauty and perfection in the colors that nature presents in this land has me dazed, confused and in disbelief; the colors are realer, clearer and more penetrating. I’ve never found beauty so difficult to get used to, I remained mesmerized for the entirety of my visit, struck by the high of the Nordic haze.

The fresh cold air that flows into my lungs, almost visual in its potency, as I unzip my tent to the view of the freedom and abundance, of the purest of loves and most serene harmony between man, nature and beast. Non verbal communication; eye contact and half a smile with a toothbrush in one’s mouth is a great way to acknowledge each other’s presence and appreciate our imaginary individualistic existences and embrace our oneness in the subtle, yet simultaneously profound, exchanges of energy.

When music takes me back and I seem to lose track of the present, when I feel my heart rate increase with the sight of a pasture on the horizon, when I visualize the smiles of my loved ones and my eyes well, I feel reassured that I’ve had a head start in this life of abundant love.

11 thoughts on “Nordic haze

  1. I read this quite a few times and each time it brought out completely different emotions in me. “Friendships don’t necessarily have to last, but every encounter must be meaningful for its duration, they must have an everlasting impression, they must assure and/or reassure one of their worthiness to be loved, be heard and be appreciated” This line reached out, touched me and took me on various journeys. Thank you for sharing.

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